alice wibisono

Alice Wibisono, a passionate sound designer based in Indonesia and Los Angeles, has a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. Her focus on the intricate world of sound design has driven her to explore and convey narratives through the power of sound. Her own sound interest sparked from her professor whose expert in those field and have worked on films such as Captain America: The First Avenger, Pulp Fiction, Roboccop, and many else! She has worked as Sound Teaching Assistant for Advanced Production Class in University of Southern California, working alongside with Hannah Schoettmer for Suhail F. Kafity, M.P.S.E

She has actively work on diverse range of projects, including narrative short films, animations, and commercials. Her prior role as a Post Production Intern at Palari Films further sharpened her skills in the professional post-production realm. You can catch her geeking out over creating sounds for gorillas, horror stuffs (even though she didn’t like watching horror), and cute wholesome animations!

And if sound isn't your cup of tea, she's always passionate to talk about road trips, food recipes, finding the right cafe or hiking trails.

sound designer

let’s collaborate!

wether working on an idea or bringing your ideas to life, alice is always passionate to bringing life to meaningful stories. hit her up!